So, if not religion and God, then what controls everything? What controls the alignment of the planets in their elliptical orbits? What is it that determines what each and every one of us will become one day? Is it fate? Divine intervention? Perhaps it is something that no man, woman, or child will every be able to comprehend, but the question of what controls everything has haunted me for quite some time now, as I just recently became agnostic.
I have boiled it down into what i think is the simplest of terms, with the least amount of detail provided, while at the same time making sure everyone can understand what I'm saying. In order to delve completely into my psyche and understand my cognitive processes a bit more in depth, one would have to simply hang out with me and hear me speak my mind on subjects such as these. With all that being said, I will begin explaining how I feel, based on my learning of subjects such as quantum mechanics and other sciences, what I feel controls the universe. I apologize beforehand if my explanation becomes a bit bleak of hard to follow.
I have boiled it down into what i think is the simplest of terms, with the least amount of detail provided, while at the same time making sure everyone can understand what I'm saying. In order to delve completely into my psyche and understand my cognitive processes a bit more in depth, one would have to simply hang out with me and hear me speak my mind on subjects such as these. With all that being said, I will begin explaining how I feel, based on my learning of subjects such as quantum mechanics and other sciences, what I feel controls the universe. I apologize beforehand if my explanation becomes a bit bleak of hard to follow.
So, I'm sure many people have seen at least one movie in the Star Wars franchise. In case you aren't aware of what the Star Wars franchise is (and I would hope you know about it; Star Wars has been shoved down the American public's throat for nearly thirty years now), it's simply the story of the Skywalkers, more or less. Anakin, Padme (spelling?), Luke, Leia, and Yoda. There, now you know what Star Wars is, for the most part. Google it my friends if you're still slightly lost. Before going off on another tangent, I suppose it would be pertinent to explain why I mentioned Star Wars in the first place. You see, in the Star Wars franchise, the Jedi and the Sith both use what is known in the Star Wars Universe as "The Force". Now, for those who are really into Star Wars and how The Force can actually be applied in your own lives, check out a website called There, you can search all about The Force and have it explained in great detail.
Basically, The Force is energy that flows through everyone and everything in the entire universe. It flows through every living creature and every inanimate object in the entire universe; The Force is literally woven into the fabric of the universe and galaxy itself. Now, it may sound crazy to some people, but many of the elements of George Lucas's Force are pretty congruent with many religions from around the world. In fact, also on you will find that Lucas actually invented many different "views" of The Force, or different "religions", if you will. Delving that far into Star Wars may seem superfluous, but when you stop and think about it, doesn't The Force actually make sense? Doesn't it kind of make sense, again basing many of these views on the theories of quantum mechanics, that we are literally a tiny part of the universe that actually created us in the first place? Doesn't it make sense that we each have this energy flowing through us, that connects us all? Have you ever had deja vu, and wondered why the situation seems so familiar to you? Could it be, perhaps, that through this invisible "Force", you are having a similar situation to someone who possibly lived before you? Because even after we die, our bodies would basically, metaphorically, meld back into the very fabric of space itself. Or, if you believe the multi-verse theory, you could be experiencing the same situation as someone in another dimension and universe altogether. This, I believe, is what made life about the universes in the first place. Of course, I do not wish to oversell the "Force" idea, I'm merely giving pop culture example with which to help aid myself in describing my beliefs.
In the end, I believe "The Force" and karma are pretty compatible. Think about it: if this energy is flowing through each of us, there has to be a "negative" (or evil) energy and an equally powerful "positive" (or good) energy. Because of this, every action we take has, in congruence with popular science, an equal reaction. Because of this, everything we do affects something, or someone, somewhere on the planet or in our universe. Sure, perhaps we cannot always see the results of our deeds, but they are most definitely there, I can assure you. So, does that mean that there may, after all, be some sort of truth to the old cliche "what comes around goes around", or "turn about's fair play"? Well, yes, according to this method of thinking. It is entirely possible that if you are a jackass for most of your life, you will only receive bad luck and misfortune. In the end, anyways. When if you use enough "positive" energy, you can make it to where you have enough "good karma" so that everything that happens to you will be positive and beneficial.
In the end, I believe "The Force" and karma are pretty compatible. Think about it: if this energy is flowing through each of us, there has to be a "negative" (or evil) energy and an equally powerful "positive" (or good) energy. Because of this, every action we take has, in congruence with popular science, an equal reaction. Because of this, everything we do affects something, or someone, somewhere on the planet or in our universe. Sure, perhaps we cannot always see the results of our deeds, but they are most definitely there, I can assure you. So, does that mean that there may, after all, be some sort of truth to the old cliche "what comes around goes around", or "turn about's fair play"? Well, yes, according to this method of thinking. It is entirely possible that if you are a jackass for most of your life, you will only receive bad luck and misfortune. In the end, anyways. When if you use enough "positive" energy, you can make it to where you have enough "good karma" so that everything that happens to you will be positive and beneficial.